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Chinese mantis,
Tenodera sinensis, preying on a hummingbird © JeanneScott-Zumwalt |
Mantises, along
with lady beetles or ladybugs are beloved insects, considered good
pest controls worth having in the garden. Mantises, or mantids, are
charismatic because of their remarkable looks and large size. Some
value them as pets or use them in school projects. The females have
the bad reputation of devouring their mate’s heads, although this
is probably largely exaggerated and not as common in the wild as it
is with caged ones. They invented Styrofoam to build their egg cases
long before humans did, more on this below. Just as there are many
species of lady beetles, there are also many different mantises. The
good news is that while lady beetle species number in the hundreds,
there are only twenty kinds of mantises. The bad news is that four or
five of those species are not-native and may be causing problems for
the native ones.
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mantis, Mantis religiosa ©Huhulenik. Wikicommons |
The colors green
and brown predominate in most species; colors that serve them well to
hide in the foliage. They are not active hunters; instead, they lay
in wait for any walking or flying protein passing by, ready to snatch
it with those peculiar front legs. The smallest ones are slightly
larger than a quarter inch. The larger ones can reach 4.5 in. The
females are larger than the males.
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Chinese mantis
egg case © Beatriz Moisset |
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The native
Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina © Kaldari. Wikicommons |
I have already
mentioned one of the most common non-natives, the European praying
mantis as big as 3.5 in. It has become rather abundant throughout
North America, in large part helped by humans selling it to gardens
and pet stores. Connecticut has adopted it as its state insect,
despite the fact that it is not native. This shouldn’t surprise us,
though; seventeen states have chosen the equally non-native honey bee
as their state insect.
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Chinese mantis © Beatriz Moisset |
Now, for the bad
news: I already mentioned that these introduced species of mantis
have an impact on populations of native species of mantis. They are
also not as good for gardens as we are led to believe. I started
checking biocontrol distributors. They sell egg cases of Chinese
mantis, giving glowing reports on its function as an insect eater.
Prices range around two dollars. This makes me laugh. Where I live, I
can find countless egg cases in my winter walks. A meadow with
goldenrod patches, multiflora roses or brambles allows me to collect
dozens in a couple of hours. Why spend money on something you can
pick up for free? If you find none nearby, it means that it has not
invaded your area. Then, why introduce this invader? Don’t we have
enough already? Guess what I do with the ones I find: I bury them. I
don’t want more Chinese mantises around.
The Universityof Wisconsin gives this advice: “Purchasing lady
beetles and praying mantids for release in the home garden is not
recommended.” NorthCarolina State University’s factsheet states:
“Chinese mantids have no demonstrated value in pest management.”
They give the following reasons: The insects present in most gardens
are not abundant enough to satisfy their needs, so they may eat each
other or leave the area. They are indiscriminate in their choices and
eat a number of beneficial species, as well as pests. Remember that
they can even eat hummingbirds, not to mention other praying
mantises, bees, etc.
We have learned
much from the beginnings of the use of biocontrols. It is important
to determine the target pest first, and then choose a specialized
predator or parasite that doesn’t disrupt the lives of other
members of the biological community. The idea of bringing a
generalist predator such as a mantis to your garden has turned out to
be a bad idea and it is not recommended anymore.
What can we do
in our gardens, then? Maintain a habitat that welcomes and sustains
the pest enemies as I mentioned in “A Healthy Garden is a Buggy Garden.” A few more
suggestions are scattered through the pages of this blog. If you
think that you absolutely need to use pest controls, don’t rely
solely on the recommendations of distributors; consult university
websites that may provide you with more trustworthy information.
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Chinese mantis
egg cases abound in this meadow © Beatriz Moisset |